root point

welcome to the home page of redapplefour's labyrinthine hyperlink clusterfuck. i find much use in a system which allows me to branch off at any point i wish, and the system of hyperlinks is pretty much exactly that. i'd like to draw comparisons to the deleuzian concept of the rhizome, or at least use it as a philosophical framework of some kind (partially because i really like it and it represents how my brain feels so much more), but by having this home page, i have created a root node, making this actually a tree (the opposite of a rhizome). i shall say it's a partial embedding of a more authentic rhizomatic way of collecting and adding to data embedded into a tree structure, which might be apocryphal

anyway that's not really important. as you can probably tell already, i really like talking. or writing. there's scarcely a difference in this context. below are the four main categories from which we can extrapolate:

(oh, yes, i do know it looks pretty barebones. it's one of those 'utilitarian' and also 'lazy' and also 'i can't code' but also to allow me to as quickly as possible type instead of worrying about how it all looks. i could've chose carrd, and i did consider it, and did have a very work in progress carrd at one point, but unfortunately those have kinda been tainted at this point, and i kinda look cooler if i use neocities cuz its related to that old internet thing i'm trying to get at. puts all the focus on Me Writing too. only real issue is there's no squiggly red underline under words in this text editor so i may misspell things more than usual for me. at least i can spell fairly well)